How far along? 26 weeks
Weight gain? 24 lbs (and climbing!)
Symptoms: Belly is stretching and burning at times. I don't remember this with my first pregnancy. It's not so easy to walk around, just feeling achy.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep? This hasn't changed since last week--Not so comfortable, difficulty moving from side to side.
Best moment this week? I somehow escaped heartburn this past week.
Movement? One baby appears to move more in the morning while the other waits until evening. Hope this doesn't mean they have different sleep patterns, and if so, that better change when they arrive. :)
Food Cravings? Lately, it's been apples.
Gender? TWO GIRLS!!!
What I miss? Missing my mobility...bending and speed of walking.
What I'm looking forward to? Meeting our little girls.
Milestones: 26 weeks seems like a milestone in itself!
Emotions: Trying to make myself rest more and keep a calm and relaxed mood.
Belly photo from today: