Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Donor Selected

We were excited to receive two additional donor profiles yesterday morning; so in total, we had a choice between 4 donors. I have to admit, I was hoping for a few more than that, but I won't complain. By afternoon yesterday, my hubby and I had decided on our favorite donor of the 4--she was one of the new additions given to us. When it came down to decision-making, we really weighed in on their family medical history, and I was still set on a blue-or green-eyed donor. It's so difficult to pick the "right" donor! I really hope she is the right donor for us.

I contacted our donor coordinator this morning with our selection--I didn't want to waste any time! (if you couldn't tell, I'm a very motivated person) Our next steps are dependent on our donor now. She needs to have additional lab work and a consult, and once that is completed (and everything looks good), we have to sync up our cycles. I'm hoping this next step goes smoothly. It's funny I've been hearing stories where donors back out or can't cycle for several months (due to commitments, etc), so I'm definitely keeping in mind our 2nd choice for a donor (if things don't work out with #1). Keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. Yeah! So happy you found someone you like and happy it was in the new additions too (hopefully worth the wait). Hoping that everything with the donor comes out great and you will be on your way :)

  2. Thanks Michelle! Did you have an u/s this week yet?

  3. We did and everything is good so I'm much more worry free. Thanks for the advice :) I'm so excited for you.

  4. Fingers and toes crossed! I'm glad they finally got the list of donors to you:) I hate that "hurry up and wait" feeling!
