Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Struggle is Real

It's been about 6 months since my last post. I feel that life never slows down, it just speeds up. I'm trying to cherish these days while my girls are still little, and that requires my attention almost 100% on them. No time for blogging. My girls are active. Oldest in theater and gymnastics and the twins are in their own separate activities (one in gymnastics and one in dance). I feel lucky that I can be home with them, but I'm running around half the time.

School starts tomorrow for the twins. This year I decided to keep them together for preschool. Last year was crazy...driving from one school to the next and praying that the weather or other circumstance wouldn't slow me down for drop-offs and pick-ups.

S just got potty-trained 3 weeks ago. Yes, she's 4 years 7 months old, but she had the most difficult time pooping on the potty. I swear I'm not a bad mom. I potty trained her twin and older sisters just fine. I tried many potty-training methods for S. Some days I didn't try anything at all. Some days I was exhausted and really didn't want to try.  Finally, one day it clicked...by doing nothing much at all. She knew she had to go while we were swimming at the pool and I said "let's do this girl" while we walked to the restroom. THANK GOODNESS she didn't give up and just poop in the pool. She pooped in that pool restroom and I was one proud mommy...even if she made me wait longer for this moment than I had hoped to.

I struggle daily being a mom, but if there's one thing I know I do right--my girls know I love them more than anything in this world.

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