Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tea is My Friend

Unfortunately, the migraines (I no longer classify them as just headaches) were not a one-time occurrence. After Saturday, it was back on Sunday and then again today. I called my RE on Monday (yesterday) to see what I could do in terms of pain management, and of course, to make sure this wasn't out of the ordinary. He assured me that the rise in estrogen often causes migraines. He really wasn't concerned about it. For pain, he suggested tea, but tea with caffeine in it. For whatever reason, caffeine helps migraines. Wow, I never knew that. No wonder I have lingering migraines now--I haven't been drinking any caffeine since my cycle started.

So, when I woke up this morning and started to experience aura, I knew what was coming next. MIGRAINE! I had DH make me some hot tea right away. You bet I drank that up, in hopes to lessen the stabbing pain in my forehead. After drinking a cup, I got a sense of relief in my head...whew! This stuff really does work. Then, the nausea came on fiercely and my tea was officially back out of my system. I was still convinced that the tea was going to help, so DH made another cup for me. This time I drank it a little slower. It's over an hour later now, and I can say that the pain has diminished (to where it's manageable) and I haven't lost any more cookies. Tea is definitely my new friend. How I love thee!


  1. Yah Excedrin Migraine is full of caffeine. I had a tension headache (not quite migraine strength) but constant for the last 3 weeks before they were born. They prescribed something (holy cow I can't remember the name). Anyway there are non-medication tips online too...make sure you keep up your water intake as well :) Good luck and sorry you are feeling under the weather.

  2. Hi - I just found your blog, it's very exciting. I'm going to follow it and wish you all the success in the world! I've only read about 7 or 8 posts, but I certainly will read more when I have a few more minutes. I'm trying to decide about using egg donation. I am 40, with a 2 beautiful & healthy biological children ages 10 and 8. Everyone likes to comment how we have the perfect family (a boy and a girl), and I know I should be totally content, but inside I feel miserable that my baby days are (biologically) over... We have been trying (everything except IVF with my own eggs) for about 3 years. We have a wonderful RE at a state of the art facility here in Seattle, her recommendation at this point is using a donor. It seems like such a huge step, and so much to sort through, though we area certainly open to it... We figure this, if we were to adopt, the baby would not be genetically related to either of us. If we use a donor, the baby would have my husbands genes, and I would get to experience pregnancy, birth, and nursing all over again (which I am DYING to do). And, my children would get to experience the pregnancy as well. So...I realize this is a long winded comment, but I am excited to have found your blog because I don't know anyone who has done egg donation.

  3. Thanks, Michelle. Should I dare say it?--I've been feeling better, but I've also been trying to drink ice tea every other day or so.

  4. To Anonymous: Glad you found my blog and thanks for reading. In the blog community, you'll find more women who have journeyed through egg donation, and many of them have been successful. You should check out pved.org. They have a wonderful forum where you will meet MANY women who have gone, are, or will be going through egg donation. I found a lot of support there, as I'm sure you will too.
