Not so excited about tomorrow morning's PIO shot. (In fact, I'm a bundle of nerves!) I hear it doesn't hurt going in (if you ice beforehand), which I hope is the case. After the shot, women have said to massage the injected area VERY well and then apply a warm heating pad. It sounds like it will be at least a 30 minute process. My DH thinks I'm making a bigger deal about it than it is, but that's easy for him to say. I do give him some credit, though--I would have a difficult time sticking him if I had to. (Guess, I wouldn't make a very good nurse!)
I hope to look back at this post in a few days and laugh...and think 'what was I so worried about?'
Good luck with your first shot :) The first couple will take a little time but then you hit your stride and strategy and it's much easier. I hope you do great with them and have no issues.